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Losing your Medicaid?

Let us help you find health insurance that will fit your budget and meet your needs.

Nothing is more important to your loved ones than your health! So why is it that we often times take our health for granted, and do not spend the time needed to ensure our health insurance is up to date?

Have you thought about how health problems could mean lost wages? If you cannot work during your injury or illness this could make your medical expenses extremely expensive! Health insurance can help you avoid some of those costs and can provide you with the preventative measures such as regular check-ups and immunizations that can ensure that you live a healthier and better life.

Get a Free Quote for Individual Health Insurance

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Health Insurance comes in so many different forms and can be available in many different ways. Many people receive their health insurance through an employer. Individual Health Insurance can be purchased if you are Self-Employed, Unemployed, or if Health Insurance is not available through your place of work. We know that Health insurance can be a costly monthly expense, but is well worth it when having to pay medical bills. Having a professional insurance agent to advise you in getting the coverage you need at the lowest possible price is always the best course of action.

A rule of thumb is the more the patient pays on their medical bills at the time of the visit , the less the monthly premiums will be. This is normally the best option for you if you are relatively healthy, and have a decent steady income. If you are on a fixed or limited income or are constantly sick this is not the best option for you as you will have to pay large portions out of pocket at each visit.

To Be or Not To Be Insured

The importance of having health insurance should not be dismissed or underestimated. Your hard earned life savings could be taken out in just one or two major health events. Even the most basic, routine surgeries can cost tens of thousands of dollars, while some of the more complicated procedures could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Having Health Insurance can help protect you and your family from having to pay the full amount on your medical bills.

As with everything, talk to your trusted professional and decide what is best for you and for your family. Being healthy now does not mean you are immune to unexpected medical emergencies, but by then it is usually too late. The last thing you want on your mind when that emergency happens is money. Rest easier knowing you will be covered.

Get a Free Quote for Individual Health Insurance

Call 574-306-2028 today!